The solution to be developed will be based on an infrastructure management framework composed of different modules, namely a management platform for non-public 5G networks (Non-Public Networks - NPNs) provided by "network slicing", a control, protection and security system in Smart Grids and a monitoring platform for the Smart Grid infrastructure (which will serve as a tool in an Integrated Operational Management and Control Center).
Smart5Grid : Automated 5G networks and services for Smart Grids
Project Objectives
Project designation: Smart5Grid .: Automated 5G networks and services for Smart Grids
Project code: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-047226
Main Objective: Provide the energy sector with the necessary skills to meet the growing demands imposed by both regulatory authorities and the end customer, regarding the reliability, resilience and quality of the service provided.
Region of intervention: NORTH
Beneficiary: Proef
Date of approval: 27-01-2021
Start date: 01-01-2021
End date: 30-06-2023
Total eligible cost: 1.364.085,84 €
Financial support: FEDER - 963.706,88 €