Proef, HCapital and Libattion: Energy Transition Investment

12 July 2024
Proef has just integrated Libattion, a leading Swiss start-up in sustainable and economical recycling solutions for lithium batteries and the development of energy storage systems, into its innovation portfolio.

This investment, made in partnership with HCapital through the New Ideas II Fund - of which Proef is one of the main investors - underlines our commitment to the climate transition and strengthens our innovation ecosystem in a critical area for promoting the energy transition.

How important is energy storage for the energy transition?

Energy storage solutions enable the efficient integration of renewable and intermittent sources (such as solar and wind) into the electricity grid, improving its resilience, reducing the need for investment in additional infrastructure, and minimising carbon emissions, promoting a more sustainable and reliable energy matrix.

Libattion Highlights:

  • Safety: Security concept certified by KIWA.
  • Sustainability: Reused high-power cells save up to 196kg of CO2 per kWh.
  • Battery recycling: Focus on efficiently recycling and reusing second-life batteries, extending their life cycle and reducing waste.
  • Cost reduction: 20% reduction in total life cycle costs through accurate analyses.
  • Smart Management: 24/7 remote monitoring of battery health, certified by SwissGrid.
  • Durability: Battery life increased by 30 per cent with unique cell balancing.
  • Modularity: Plug & play installation to increase capacity as required.

We are excited about the opportunity to support and collaborate with Libattion! This partnership will contribute significantly to the development of more sustainable offers, which will allow us to significantly improve our customers' operations.