Proef DNA 2022

In 2022 we awarded 16 people with the Proef DNA prize.
This award is to employees who have excelled exceptionally during the year, based on three essential pillars: Ambition, Leadership, and Innovation.
All employees participate in Proef DNA, as they are the ones who nominate the award winners.
Consult the winner's list:
Consult the winner's list:
- Cláudia Azevedo
- Eva Moreira
- Romão Rocha
- Daniela Rocha
- Fernando Ferreira
- Luís Henrique Sá Couto Ferreira
- Joaquim Maia de Sousa
- Luís Vilas Boas
- César Dantas
- Miguel Reis Pinto
- Pedro Barros
- Áurea Ferreira
- Roger Cadete
- Carlos Afonso
- Tiago Paiva
- Luís Ribeiro